What We Do

The Spreading the Music Outreach Program For Churches is an initiative to support local churches in their efforts to grow, strengthen, and expand their music programs. We aim to do so by providing access to music education, musicians, and music resources at reasonable prices. Churches and their congregations spread music regularly and we want to be a part of sharing the love of music even further! Our goal is to embolden and inspire churches in their passion to, “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.” Whether through introducing music to the next generation or sharpening the skills of those who have been making music for a long time, Spreading the Music is accessible to all.

Our Services

Music Education

Private weekly lessons, group classes, and workshops for voice, piano, drums, guitar, and more either at your location or ours.

Choir Assistant

Music director, choir member, band member, and worship team member fill-ins or additions for rehearsals, regular services, and special events.

Space Rental

For choir, band, worship team, and individual rehearsals, meetings, and events at our facility.

Transcription/ Parts

We’ll show you what notes to sing and play for a song you already know.

Music Writing

We’ll write or arrange songs and pieces for you.

Equipment Rental

Amps, microphones, music stands, instruments, speakers, and more available to check out from our facility.

Contact Us

Church Liaison, Desiree Robinson